Color Variant Decks

Prime Deck

PPG is dedicated to delivering fully comprehensive color chip systems, manufactured using our paint and sprayed to maximise the accuracy and reproducibility seen in the bodyshop. The PPG Prime Deck contains a comprehensive range of prime colors aligned to motor manufacturer standard allowing you to achieve easy and accurate formula identification.


Envirobase® HP Variant Deck​

The ENVIROBASE® High Performance variant deck is an integral part of the Envirobase High Performance waterborne basecoat system, giving customers a market-leading waterborne color offer.

Using external market research and benchmarking, this color tool was proven to be the most accurate on the market, saving customers' time spent in color identification and production of spray-out panels.

If the color chip matches the car – then the paint will too.


Deltron® GRS Color Variant Deck

Color Variants in paint finishes are an unavoidable fact. These systems identify  known color variants and illustrate them on large chips

The Variant systems can be chosen either in motor manufacturer or chromatic color order. You can decide the best system suited to your workflow!


The Wheel and Trim Fan Desk

The Wheel and Trim Fan Desk includes wheel and trim colors of all key OEM and enables bodyshops to quickly and easily find the right colour.  The tool complements  RAPIDMATCH™ Go, providing guidance for texture/ matt colors like trim.

  • Includes wheel colors of key motor manufacturers
  • Full size color chips sprayed on flexible synthetic paper to easily compare to any type of wheel shape
  • 2 separate trim fans covering the color range permit to identify the texture of the actual finish quickly and to reproduce that texture easily
  • Color formulation accesibility on PAINTMANAGER®/ PAINTMANAGER® XI software